Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 ideas to project positivism

Fact: in life everything will (eventually) gravitate toward positive people; so if you desire to be gravitated you have to shine positivism. But, alas, I'm not saying that everything should or will be sunshine and fresh-air scent all the time, nor that you have to impersonate someone else, but (of course) there are ways to extend that bliss and power up your a PA (positive attitude). In order for this, these are a couple of good pointers I came across recently -- be my guest and add yours!

Exercise: We have been told is good for you, your health and looks will gratefully appreciate it. Besides, working out makes you feel good and research shows that fosters a better handle of stress.

Be clean: people notice if you don't take care of your skin, hair and of course, smell (not in a good way). Look tidy inspires others to have confidence in you, and is a way to show respect to others.

Avoid unpleasant topics: people get depressed over negative talk, dismal topics and personal issues. It's uncomfortable, period. Guide your chat towards happy subjects! Mind your mind; remember that sometimes some topics are way too serious for initial conversation.

One way to project positivism is simply with the word "yes"; affirmative responses are the stairway to heaven. Alas, I'm not saying "be a yes-man" but try to say "yes" as often as humanly doable.

People don't like whiners, but winners. Complainers are obscure. Don't whine or complain.

Laugh, it's not that difficult. When you're in a good spirit, one is more willing to joke and laugh at other people's jokes -- it works nicely to keep a good environment and moods. Enjoy what makes you happy!

Be curious. People who express disinterest don't project positivity. Engagement and curiosity actually add value to your day-by-day, so you may start asking yourself more questions. One nice gesture: even though you don't necessary find a comment interesting, ask a follow up question -- it will be appreciated.

A nice way to keep walking far is to be that one that solves a problem rather that sink in the miserably waters of despair. Being solution-oriented looks good in everyone!

Don't slump, stand up straight! Slouching is a bad habit, besides you'll look beaten, subdued and sad. Shoulders back, chin up and don't forget to...

Smile; it is the simplest show of positivism. Train yourself to smile more, it will ignite a feeling of happy that will project engagement and enthusiasm, and odds-on it will spread out. Smiling is contagious: try it, I bet if you smile at others you'll get a grin back.

So... what do you think? Do you agree?

:: Shaken not stirren

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